The first Sunday of November, we blessed Tyler. It was a wonderful blessing and a great day with family and friends.
This was the best picture we could get when we attempted to photograph two kids at once. Tyler was not a happy camper and the only way I could get Carly to wear her dress was to tell her it was Ariel's party dress!
Carly was not interested in carving pumpkins. She said they were yucky. She did enjoy painting her small pumpkin.
Below is one of Carly's favorite activities. She calls it "helping mama do the dishes" but it's really playing in the water. She could be entertained for hours with water and a few cups and bowls. It's just too bad we're on the verge of a drought otherwise I would let her do it all day long!
Here are my Super Charger Fans! #21 is Landanion Tomlinson. I guess I need a jersey so I can join the picture. :)
Here is Carly with her BFF, Kaylen. They love playing and fighting together!
I love this picture! One of those rare moments when Carly said "cheese" and looked at the camera!
Carly and her cousin, Christian, at Grandma and Grandpa J's house doing another one of Carly's favorite activities, Coloring!
Tyler lounging on the couch. So sweet! One of his favorite snoozing spots.
One of those sweet moments captured on film! Carly is very sweet to her brother and gives him hugs and kisses.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!