About an hour later, we got a reverse 911 call at Carissa's parents that said we needed to evacuate their neighborhood so we went to a stake center downtown and I had the priveledge of sleeping in a tent with the family dog! It turned out the 911 call to the neighborhood was a mistake and we could have stayed at Carissa's parents all night.
So today we were hoping to go and get a look at my parents home. We started the drive over and were met by a road block and this:
Yep- armed guards! We decided to risk our lives and sneak around through a gated community behind our high school and go to the neighborhood. It really is amazing that not one house was burned in their area. The fire came right down the hill across the street from my parents but no homes were touched! I hope you can see the black on the hill and were everything was burned, but to get the real picture you need to see it for yourself! We also went to other neighborhoods where homes were burned to see the damage- it really was amazing to see what damage can be done. There are a few pictures of that as well! Carissa, Carly and I are doing great as are our families. Thanks for all your support and prayers, we really do appreciate and know it had a hand in protecting us!
P.S. if you click on the photo it will make it bigger!
Looking across the street from my parent's house
Two houses that burned in an adjacent neighborhood
video from where the reporter stood the night before and all we saw were flames behind her! My parent's house is to the right down the slope (not visible).
Wow! I'm glad you guys are alright and that your parents houses didn't burn down. All you hear on the news is about Malibu and the dumb celebrities homes.
Glad you all are safe. Jaynes parents seem to be fine as well.
Wow Brandon! Put that down as one more reason why I'm not going to move to San Diego. Good thing you and your family are all safe.
I am so glad to hear that all of our San Diego Family is safe, along with their homes. We have kept you all in our prayers. It is amazing what mother nature can do given the right circumstances.
How scary! I can't imagine what that feels like to have your neighborhood on the news like that. I am so glad everything has worked out for you guys...even if Bran did have to sleep with the dog. Glad to hear your humor is still as good as ever.
Hey Carissa, I tagged you. Go to my blog for details.
Hi Jergensens! I'm glad you guys made it through the fire okay! We were thinking about you. Carly is getting so big and she is ADORABLE! And mostly I'm making a comment because is that Ko Olina?! You're picture up top that says Hawaii 07? It looks exactly like the place we stayed this summer! Anyway, it was nice to run into your blog. I'm sure I'll be stalking it later.
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