Surprise! We're having a boy. I thought about putting the ultrasound picture confirming that it's a boy but I then I thought that would be a little inappropriate. :) I'll just save it to put in his photo albums to show his future dates! Brandon is so excited to get his boy. He has probably already signed him up for little league in four years, Baby Boy Jergensen. And of course, I'm excited too. I'm a little wary coming from a family of all girls and having a girl but I'm sure I'll catch right on. :)
This past week has not gone the way I'd planned. Our car, honda passport, finally called it quits last friday when Brandon was driving home from work. It was a great car, always reliable through many long road trips. May it rest in peace. On a brighter note, we did get a new car, a honda pilot. Yea! Carly gets so excited every time we get in the car. "New car! New car!" My girls' weekend at my sister's house was basically ruined when I woke up sick on the second day there. I pretty much spent the next five days on the couch. Many thanks to my parents for helping out with Carly. It was really disappointing getting sick but I wake up each day feeling a little better so I'm hoping by Sunday when we leave for Palm Springs that I'll be good to go. I guess it's better luck next time as far as girls trips go!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
So Excited!!!
Not that anyone but me really cares but I just felt like sharing for anyone who's blog surfing and looking for something new to read. I'm really excited for the next couple of weeks! First I get to take a girl's trip with my mom and sister to visit my other sister. This is a much needed break to just recharge and relax. I have to admit that I was a bit apprehensive about going. I've never been away from Carly for this long and yes, I'm worried that no one else can take care of her like I can. Silly I know but I can't help it. Then when I get back, I have my appointment to find out the gender of our new baby! For those of you who are wondering, I have no thoughts or premonitions as to what it is. I just hope that the baby cooperates and we aren't left wondering. Next, my youngest brother-in-law has his missionary farewell! He is going to Leeds, England and we are all very excited for him. Plus, all the Jergensen clan is coming to town which will be crazy fun! Last, after the farewell we are heading for Palm Springs! Another vacation! I'm so excited to get away again and spend time with Brandon's family. I'm really excited for Carly to get a chance to play with her cousins. She doesn't get to see most of them very often and I want her to enjoy being with her cousins as much as I did growing up. Plus, I love hanging out by the pool and getting a nice tan. So exciting!
So I'll make sure to post pictures and let you all know what the gender of the baby is. Anyone venture to take a guess? I haven't has very many inputs this time around. See ya!
So I'll make sure to post pictures and let you all know what the gender of the baby is. Anyone venture to take a guess? I haven't has very many inputs this time around. See ya!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
My Funny Girl!
I thought I'd share some of the things Carly has done recently that have cracked me up!

Last Sunday while I was getting ready for church, Carly came down the hall like this. I thought she looked just like a bag lady! What you can't really see is that she is wearing no pants and she had been walking around the house collecting things just like a bag lady!
Here's a few fun phrases as of recent. With Carly it is no longer just "no", it's "no way!" If you ask her a question that she doesn't know the answer, she just replies "yellows". Every ball is a "basketball" no matter the shape, size or color. If you ask where anyone or anything is, she usually replies "went bye bye!".
And now a little bragging on my part. Today Carly tripped and fell and I asked her where it hurt and she actually said her knee and pointed to it! We were walking to our clubhouse for song time and I wasn't paying attention and missed a turn. Carly pulled on my hand and pointed to where we were suppose to go! At first I thought she was wrong but she kept pulling until I got a clue. Maybe she inherited Brandon's sense of direction b/c I don't have any!
One last story, I just had to share. Last Saturday, we went to the pool. Carly and I were on the edge of the pool playing with toys while my sister was swimming. I was chatting and next thing I knew, Carly bent over too far and did a face dive into the pool and was completely under water! My sister was right there and scooped her up. She came out sputtering and I just couldn't help laughing! I would assume most parents would be more concerned for their child but I was wishing I'd had my camera or video camera to document her first falling in the pool experience! Is that bad?

Last Sunday while I was getting ready for church, Carly came down the hall like this. I thought she looked just like a bag lady! What you can't really see is that she is wearing no pants and she had been walking around the house collecting things just like a bag lady!
Here's a few fun phrases as of recent. With Carly it is no longer just "no", it's "no way!" If you ask her a question that she doesn't know the answer, she just replies "yellows". Every ball is a "basketball" no matter the shape, size or color. If you ask where anyone or anything is, she usually replies "went bye bye!".
And now a little bragging on my part. Today Carly tripped and fell and I asked her where it hurt and she actually said her knee and pointed to it! We were walking to our clubhouse for song time and I wasn't paying attention and missed a turn. Carly pulled on my hand and pointed to where we were suppose to go! At first I thought she was wrong but she kept pulling until I got a clue. Maybe she inherited Brandon's sense of direction b/c I don't have any!
One last story, I just had to share. Last Saturday, we went to the pool. Carly and I were on the edge of the pool playing with toys while my sister was swimming. I was chatting and next thing I knew, Carly bent over too far and did a face dive into the pool and was completely under water! My sister was right there and scooped her up. She came out sputtering and I just couldn't help laughing! I would assume most parents would be more concerned for their child but I was wishing I'd had my camera or video camera to document her first falling in the pool experience! Is that bad?
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